Wednesday, April 6, 2011

STSADM Equivalent Commands in Powershell

This article lists Stsadm operations and their equivalent Windows PowerShell cmdlets. Where there is no one-to-one mapping between the operations and cmdlets, the table lists the specific Windows PowerShell parameters you must use to get the same functionality.



Stsadm operation Windows PowerShell cmdlet
Activatefeature Enable-SPFeature
Activateformtemplate Enable-SPInfoPathFormTemplate
Addalternatedomain New-SPAlternateUrl
Addcontentdb Mount-SPContentDatabase
Adddataconnectionfile Install-SPDataConnectionFile
Add-ecsfiletrustedlocation New-SPExcelFileLocation
Add-ecssafedataprovider New-SPExcelDataProvider
Add-ecstrusteddataconnectionlibrary New-SPExcelDataConnectionLibrary
Add-ecsuserdefinedfunction New-SPExcelUserDefinedFunction
Addexemptuseragent Add-SPInfoPathUserAgent
Addpath New-SPManagedPath
Addpermissionpolicy None
Addsolution Add-SPSolution
Addtemplate Install-SPWebTemplate
Adduser New-SPUser
Addwppack Install-SPWebPartPack
Addzoneurl New-SPAlternateUrl
Allowuserformwebserviceproxy Set-SPInfoPathWebServiceProxy
Use the AllowForUserForms and Identity parameters.
Allowwebserviceproxy Set-SPInfoPathWebServiceProxy
Use the AllowWebServiceProxy and Identity parameters.
Authentication Set-SPWebApplication
Use the AuthenticationMethod or AuthenticationProvider parameters.
Backup Backup-SPConfigurationDatabase
Backuphistory Get-SPBackupHistory
Binddrservice None
Blockedfilelist None
Canceldeployment None
Changepermissionpolicy None
Copyappbincontent None
Createadminvs New-SPCentralAdministration
Creategroup None
Createsite New-SPSite
Createsiteinnewdb New-SPSite Use the ContentDatabase parameter.
Createweb New-SPWeb
Databaserepair None
Deactivatefeature Disable-SPFeature
Deactivateformtemplate Disable-SPInfoPathFormTemplate
Deleteadminvs None
Deletealternatedomain Remove-SPAlternateUrl
Deleteconfigdb Remove-SPConfigurationDatabase
Deletecontentdb Dismount-SPContentDatabase
Deletegroup None
Deletepath Remove-SPManagedPath
Deletepermissionpolicy None
Deletesite Remove-SPSite
Deletesolution Remove-SPSolution
Deletetemplate Uninstall-SPWebTemplate
Deleteuser Remove-SPUser
Deleteweb Remove-SPWeb
Deletewppack Uninstall-SPWebPartPack
Deletezoneurl Remove-SPAlternateUrl
Deploysolution Install-SPSolution
Deploywppack Install-SPWebPartPack
Disablessc None
Displaysolution Get-SPSolution
Editcontentdeploymentpath Set-SPContentDeploymentPath
Email None
Enablessc None
Enumalternatedomains Get-SPAlternateURL
Enumcontentdbs Get-SPContentDatabase
Enumdataconnectionfiledependants Get-SPDataConnectionFileDependent
Enumdataconnectionfiles Get-SPDataConnectionFile
Enumdeployments None
Enumexemptuseragents Get-SPInfoPathUserAgent
Enumformtemplates Get-SPInfoPathFormTemplate
Enumgroups None
Enumroles None
Enumservices Get-SPServiceInstance
Enumsites Get-SPSiteAdministration (To run this cmdlet, you must be a member of the Farm Administrators group.)
Get-SPSite (To run this cmdlet, you must be a local administrator on the computer where SharePoint 2010 Products is installed.)
Enumsolutions Get-SPSolution
Enumsubwebs Get-SPWeb
Enumtemplates Get-SPWebTemplate
Enumusers Get-SPUser
Enumwppacks Get-SPWebPartPack
Enumzoneurls Get-SPAlternateURL
Execadmsvcjobs Start-SPAdminJob
Export Export-SPWeb
Extendvs New-SPWebApplication
Extendvsinwebfarm New-SPWebApplicationExtension
Forcedeletelist None
Getadminport Get-SPWebApplication
Use the following syntax:
  • Get-SPWebApplication -IncludeCentralAdministration | ? {$_.IsAdministrationWebApplication -eq $true}
Getdataconnectionfileproperty propertyGet-SPDataConnectionFile
Use the following syntax:
  • Get-SPDataConnectionFile | where {$_.Name -eq "dataConFileName"} | format-list
Getformtemplateproperty propertyGet-SPInfoPathFormTemplate
Use the following syntax:
  • Get-SPInfoPathFormTemplate | where {$_.DisplayName -eq "formTemplateName"} | format-list
Getosearchsetting None
Getproperty Get-SPFarmConfig
Getsitelock Get-SPSiteAdministration
Getsiteuseraccountdirectorypath None
Geturlzone Get-SPAlternateURL
Import Import-SPWeb
Installfeature Install-SPFeature
Listlogginglevels Get-SPLogLevel
Listqueryprocessoroptions None
Listregisteredsecuritytrimmers Get-SPEnterpriseSearchSecurityTrimmer
Localupgradestatus None
Managepermissionpolicylevel None
Mergecontentdbs Move-SPSite
Migrateuser Move-SPUser
For the Osearch parameters farmcontactemail, farmperformancelevel, farmserviceaccount, and farmservicepassword, use the Get-SPEnterpriseSearchService and Set-SPEnterpriseSearchService cmdlets.
For the Osearch parameters start and stop, use the Start-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceInstance and Stop-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceInstance cmdlets, respectively.
For the Osearch parameter defaultindexlocation, use the Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceInstance and Set-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceInstance cmdlets.
Use the Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication cmdlet to retrieve the specific Search service application, and then use DiacriticSensitive parameter from the Set-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication cmdlet.
Provisionservice Start-SPServiceInstance
Quiescefarm None
Quiescefarmstatus None
Quiesceformtemplate Stop-SPInfoPathFormTemplate
Reconvertallformtemplates Update-SPInfoPathFormTemplate
Refreshdms None
Refreshsitedms None
Registersecuritytrimmer New-SPEnterpriseSearchSecurityTrimmer
Registerwsswriter None
Removedataconnectionfile Uninstall-SPDataConnectionFile
Remove-ecsfiletrustedlocation Remove-SPExcelFileLocation
Remove-ecssafedataprovider Remove-SPExcelDataProvider
Remove-ecstrusteddataconnectionlibrary Remove-SPExcelDataConnectionLibrary
Remove-ecsuserdefinedfunction Remove-SPExcelFileLocation
Removedrservice None
Removeexemptuseragent Remove-SPInfoPathUserAgent
Removeformtemplate Uninstall-SPInfoPathFormTemplate
Removesolutiondeploymentlock None
Renameserver Rename-SPServer
Renamesite Set-SPSite
Use the Url parameter.
Renameweb Set-SPWeb
Use the RelativeUrl parameter.
Restore Restore-SPFarm
Retractsolution Uninstall-SPSolution
Retractwppack None

Scanforfeatures Install-SPFeature
Use the Scanforfeatures parameter.
Setadminport Set-SPCentralAdministration
Setapppassword None
Setconfigdb Connect-SPConfigurationDatabase
Setcontentdeploymentjobschedule Set-SPContentDeploymentJob
Setdataconnectionfileproperty Set-SPDataConnectionFile
Set-ecsexternaldata Set-SPExcelFileLocation
Set-ecsloadbalancing Set-SPExcelServiceApplication
Use the LoadBalancingScheme parameter.
Set-ecsmemoryutilization Set-SPExcelServiceApplication
Use the MemoryCacheThreshold and PrivateBytesMax parameters.
Set-ecssecurity Set-SPExcelServiceApplication
Use the CrossDomainAccessAllowed, EncryptedUserConnectionRequired, and FileAccessMethod parameters.
Set-ecssessionmanagement Set-SPExcelServiceApplication
Use the SessionsPerUserMax and SiteCollectionAnonymousSessionsMax parameters.
Set-ecsworkbookcache Set-SPExcelServiceApplication
Use the Workbookcache and WorkbookCacheSizeMax parameters.
Setformtemplateproperty Set-SPInfoPathFormTemplate
Setlogginglevel Set-SPLogLevel
Setosearchsetting None
Setproperty Set-SPFarmConfig
Setqueryprocessoroptions None
Setsitelock Set-SPSiteAdministration
Use the LockState parameter.
Setsiteuseraccountdirectorypath Get-SPSiteSubscription
Setworkflowconfig Set-SPWorkflowConfig
Siteowner Set-SPSiteAdministration
Syncsolution Install-SPSolution
Use the Synchronize parameter.
Unextendvs Remove-SPWebApplication
Uninstallfeature Uninstall-SPFeature
Unquiescefarm None
Unquiesceformtemplate Start-SPInfoPathFormTemplate
Unregistersecuritytrimmer Remove-SPEnterpriseSearchSecurityTrimmer
Unregisterwsswriter None
Updateaccountpassword Set-SPManagedAccount
Updatealerttemplates None
Updatefarmcredentials None
Upgrade None
Upgradeformtemplate Install-SPInfoPathFormTemplate
Upgradesolution Update-SPSolution
Upgradetargetwebapplication None
Uploadformtemplate Install-SPInfoPathFormTemplate
Userrole Get-SPUser
Verifyformtemplate Test-SPInfoPathFormTemplate

Nice Blogs on SharePoint Admin

How to Enable the Developer Dashboard in SharePoint 2010

When activated, the Developer Dashboard appears at the bottom of a page and allows site owners and up to view the call stack, database query times, exception information in error messages, and loading events for web parts during page rendering. All of these allow you to pinpoint the bottleneck within your page and to quickly focus on the resolution. The Developer Dashboard can be enabled via STSADM or PowerShell. This is one of the rare cases where the command in STSADM is shorter than PowerShell. The recommended property value is OnDemand, which provides you the ability to toggle the dashboard on and off.
  • stsadm -o setproperty -pn developer-dashboard -pv on
  • stsadm -o setproperty -pn developer-dashboard -pv off
  • stsadm -o setproperty -pn developer-dashboard -pv OnDemand (recommended)
Powershell Script for the Same


Create Site Collection Using power shell in New Content Database

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell –ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$server = Read-Host "Enter SQL Server"
$dbname = Read-Host "Enter Database Name"
$webapp = Read-Host "Enter Web Application URL"
$site = Read-Host "Enter New Site Collection URL"
$owner1 = Read-Host "Enter Primary Site Collection Admin"
$owner2 = Read-Host "Enter Secondary Site Collection Admin"
New-SPContentDatabase -Name $dbname -DatabaseServer $server -WebApplication $webapp | out-null
New-SPSite -URL $site -OwnerAlias $owner1 -SecondaryOwnerAlias $owner2 -ContentDatabase $dbname | out-null
Get-SPContentDatabase -Site $site | Set-SPContentDatabase -MaxSiteCount 1 -WarningSiteCount 0
Write-Host " "Write-Host "Site Collection at" $site "has been created in the" $dbname "content database" -ForegroundColor Yellow

It takes in input, creates a new site collection in a new content database, then sets the max site count to 1 and warning site count to 0 to lock it down from any other site collection being added to the database. Equivalent to createsiteinnewdb.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Trouble Shooting MOSS 2007

The Source of SharePoint Problems

SharePoint is built on six different features: business intelligence, business processes, enterprise content management, search, portals, and collaboration. Any one of these areas can cause problems for users, developers, and administrators. Troubleshooting them can be frustrating because one fault can lead to many errors, and finding the fault amongst the errors ... that can be challenging. This is due to the fact that If you look at the main features, they are not stand alone features, but integrate seamlessly with others. With that being the case, how do you resolve problems? There are several ways.

Trouble Shooting Flowchart

The following is an example of a troubleshooting flowchart that can start you down the road to solving a set of SharePoint problems. To start, set up an alert to notify you that there is a problem to deal with. Your e-mail can be setup to receive notifications from Sharepoint, this is an alert, or from other users that may have experienced problems.
The flowchart identifies the sequence of alerts that can be followed to trouble shoot SharePoint. It is a tool for the administrator.
If there is a problem, did you receive an alert or a notification? An alert is sent for some problem that your SharePoint system is experiencing, and a notification is sent for a problem that a user is experiencing, such as permissions to SharePoint documents, or projects. Also, timer jobs are important because they are triggers to start to run a specific Windows SharePoint service.
Note that these techniques are general, but the focus on observations about SharePoint can start the process.
The main approach is to avoid a random walk. That is avoid trying just anything, be selective in the approach. While this may seem tedious, it will provide you with a road map on how to pursue the problem.

Trouble Shooting SharePoint Using Web.Config and the Event Viewer

Since you are trying to avoid the random walk, here are some specific steps that you can take to troubleshoot SharePoint. The first set of steps involve the web.config file.
1. Turn on the debug flag from SharePoint web.config.
  • Locate the SharePoint web.config file which will be located in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories
  • Make a backup of the web.config just in case
  • Open the SharePoint web.config using a text editor such as notepad
  • Find “CallStack”
  • Change the value of CallStack to “true”
  • Find “CustomErrors”
  • Change the value of CustomErrors mode to ”off”
  • Save the web.config file
2. Reproduce an issue you’re having. This is important, because now you can isolate the fault and zero in on the problem set.
3. Examine the error from EventLog. Now be careful because you may not find enough useful information on the EventLog since SharePoint may not provide a trace on the EventLog.

The Log Files

SharePoint, unlike other applications, has many logs. Software Tech specialists frequently use logs, which are text files that are diaries about operations in that software package. If there is a failure in the software, the log file will typically record the date and time, and it will provide some level of detail about the error, what happened, and some troubleshooting techniques. Log files are important because they contain a historical record about the operation in question. This is even more important as software becomes intrinsically sophisticated, and finding faults becomes more time consuming.

SharePoint Logs

SharePoint dumps all logs into C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\LOGS. You should be able to find clues by examining logs in this folder. Here are some that may have the information you need.
Web Parts - This is part of the site that can be combined from sections. But the errors that arise may not be readily seen.
Verbose page errors - One can use the web.config file with debug mode to analyze the errors.
IIS Logs - Here everything is available server error numbers or client error numbers, and mundane information like usernames, session info, bytes in, and bytes sent.
Once you have decided on a series of logs, you can use the Microsoft IIS Log parser
( LogParser.msi (v2.2)
 to analyze the logs. It is a command line utility with SQL like features that looks like this:
With the tool, you can focus in on a problem, by error code, or location.

Trouble Shooting SharePoint Using the SharePoint Log Dumps

Another way to troubleshoot SharePoint is to analyze the dump logs without the log parser tool.
Go to the SharePoint logs folder (c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\Logs).
  • Sort the log items by Date Modified
  • Open the latest log file using the notepad text editor
  • Skip to the bottom
  • Look at the most recent log
The hard part now is before you...analyze the error messages; and if necessary, search the Internet for assistance.


Troubleshooting SharePoint can be difficult and exhausting because there are so many areas where a fault could originate. First try to eliminate the random walk; in other words, avoid the "try anything" approach. Look systematically at the problem. There are some tools available like the Log Parser which you can download, or the web.config tool which can help you identify the problem that is occurring. Another tool is the event viewer, which can show you what problems occurred in SharePoint.

Troubleshooting SharePoint Services
While SharePoint may be a good working tool for collaborative purposes, there are times when it does not work as intended, and the user is left frustrated with some of those problems. In this series, we look at some troubleshooting techniques.

General guideline for troubleshooting SharePoint issues

This is the list of steps to follow for troubleshooting general SharePoint issues.
1. Turn on the debug flag from SharePoint web.config
Note: Enabling debugging is not recommended on a production environment.
a. Locate the SharePoint web.config file which is typically located under one of the virtual directories in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories.
b. Make a backup of the web.config just in case.
c. Open the SharePoint web.config using a Visual Studio or a text editor such as notepad.
d. Find “CallStack”
e. Change the value of CallStack to “true”f. Find “CustomErrors”
g. Change the value of CustomErrors mode to ”Off”h. Save the web.config.
2. Reproduce an issue you’re having i.e. by refreshing the broken web page
3. Examine the error from EventLog. In most cases, you will find no useful information from EventLog since SharePoint does a poor job leaving a trace on the EventLog.
4. Go to SharePoint logs folder (c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\Logs). SharePoint dumps all logs in this folder, and so you should be able to find clues by examining logs in this folder.
a. Sort items by Date Modified
b. Open the latest log file using a notepad or other text editors.
c. Scroll down to the bottom
d. Examine the latest log
5. Analyze error messages found from Step 2, 3 and 4.
6. Investigate issue for 10 minutes
a. Examine the system account used for an application pool of a SharePoint application. Does the account have proper permissions?
7. If you’re stuck for more than 10 minutes, stop what you’re doing.
8. Search for the clues from Internet — Many times, we forget how useful Internet is and that somebody else typically had the same problem before.
9. If no clues have been found, ask for help.
a. Describe detailed steps how to reproduce the issues
b. Ask colleagues or reach out communities such as the MSDN SharePoint Forums [1]
10. Iterate the step 1 to step 5 until an issue is resolved.
[1] –

Troubleshooting the SharePoint “File not found” Error

Have you ever come across a “File Not Found” error when accessing some part of your WSS 3.0 or MOSS 2007 portal? So have I. There are some modifications that the farm administrator can make to the web application’s web.config file to show more information about the error.
Follow these steps:
1.    Navigate Here: C:\inetpub\wwroot\wss\Virtual Directories\<your web app's virtual directory>
a.    You can also open IIS
b.    Expand Sites
c.    Right click on your SharePoint site
d.    Choose explore
e.    proceed to step 2
                Copy and paste the web.config file (making a backup)
                Open web.config using notepad
                Search for “CallStack” , set this equal to true
                Search for “Custom”, set the customerrors = “Off”
                Save the web.config file and refresh your page in the browser
You should now see what the error actually is. Many times it is a web part assembly reference missing from the web.config or something similar.
This should at least give you a more precise troubleshooting starting point. Remember to turn CustomErrors back “On” in the web.config after fixing the issue so that your end users won’t see an ugly Asp.Net error if this happens again.

While creating a SharePoint Subsite : Error: The trial period for this product has expired

The trial period for this product has expired.     at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.CmsSecurityUtilities.EnsureEvaluationNotExpired()     at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PublishingFeatureHandler.FeatureActivated(SPFeatureReceiverProperties receiverProperties)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFeature.DoActivationCallout(Boolean fActivate, Boolean fForce)

 after SP2 instalation run windows update then run sharepoint configuration wizard to rebuild aplication.